Thursday, 19 December 2019

Christmas wishes from Lipotrim

Another year is nearly over and we hope 2019 has been good to you.

We hope you have managed to lose your excess weight and are happily maintaining it.
If you are yet to use Lipotrim and are thinking about your 2020 New Year Resolution....

Weight loss is not always easy. 
Lipotrim can truly help reverse this dieting issue and we also understand the difficulties when trying to keep the weight off.

Rest assured, we at Lipotrim are here to support you now and in the future......

0800 413 735 UK (Freephone)

015255636 Ireland (local rate)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

From everyone at Lipotrim

Thinking more can help you lose weight - food for thought


This is the title of the most recent Lipotrim blog post which explores the effect of thinking on our weight. This may sound some crazy thinking but there is evidence to suggest thinking burns many calories. Exercising your brain can indeed help with weight loss.

The Lipotrim blog explores more than just thinking more. 

The following health-related topics are covered too, drawing this concept together:

  • How many calories does it take to be human?
  • The role of exercise in weight loss.
  • How many calories does the brain burn when exercised ie thinking more?
  • What are the difficulties facing us when “thinking more” as an aid to weight loss?
  • Sugar swaps.
  • Keto dieting.
  • Very Low Calorie Diets.
We hope you love our latest Lipotrim blog. Our Lipotrim team are available to answer an questions and offer support with your weight management. 

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Why is BMI still used?

What are the advantages of using BMI?

BMI is constantly under-fire from critics, many proposing the Hip-to-Waist ratio as a better means of assessing obesity and excess weight. Put a BMI chart up, however, and we are ALL compelled to take a look:

Did you manage to resist looking at your BMI? If so why?

A seemingly simple question such as "Why BMI?" requires a much longer answer than expected.

Unfortunately there is a distinct lack of understanding on even where BMI originated from.
There are many advantages to using BMI and this article explains the critical role it plays in obesity research and day-to-day monitoring of people's weight.


Why it is wrong to label obesity as lazy and people fat shamed?

Obesity can be attributed to many things, from metabolism to hormones but the true underlying issue is our basic human instinct to eat. No l...