Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Donald Trump vs exercise?

Trump's theory of energy

A theory of human energy, attributed to Donald Trump, states;

The human body is "like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depletes."

This theory is taken from the biography written by The Washington Post's Mike Kranisch and Marc Fisher titled "Trump Revealed" (August 2016).

It is with the usual spoonful of wariness when it comes to a "Trumpism" that we look further into this "theory".


Is the human body like a battery?

Human battery

The human body, like in all mammals, is warm blooded. We are a homeothermic species and our thermoregulation occurs by regulating metabolic processes. When it is cold outside we consume and burn calories so that the body can maintain a body temperature higher than the environment. Colder conditions and exercise is indeed costing us energy in the form of calories, just like a battery drains as the energy is used.

A battery however will not see any benefit from being moved a mile further away from its position ("exercise") because it is a stand-alone energy source, no more no less. It is charged to store calories and then releases them to operate machinery. The exercise we humans achieve will indeed deplete the energy we "contain" but we neither burn so much that our energy runs out (anywhere near completely) nor do we see a zero benefit from exercise.
It is reported that Donald Trump has stopped his exercise regimen after taking a dim view of the benefits of exercise, seeing it as draining the body of its limited energy, presumably arguing that the energy saved helps him in his political life.

His use of the battery analogy is partly true but doesn't take into account the vast amounts of energy stored as fat and glycogen in the body, especially in the overweight population, being more than enough to prevent complete depletion. He also forgets the very important charging of the human battery in the form of consumption of food and drink. In these days of increasing levels of obesity we are currently, on average, charging up the human battery more than is required.

But what about the health of Trump?

Along with other information requests, Trump has not released his health records, so no evidence can be cited on any ill health as a result from a lack of exercise. Visibly overweight, if not clinically obese, Trump will be suffering from an increased risk of long-term health conditions, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes or cancer. If Mr Trump does indeed do little or no exercise, one wishes for his long-term health that he regularly eats a balanced healthy diet containing a suitable number of calories. It has long since been proven that those carrying excess body weight are at increased health risk but since moderate amounts of exercise burns negligible calories, any ill health, now or in the future, would be attributed to an increased consumption of calories rather than his belief that exercise is bad for you.

Trump was quoted in a news story from Yahoo news: "All my friends who work out all the time - they're going for knee replacements - they're a disaster"

https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-thinks-exercise-bad-depletes-limited-energy-195234796.html It is important to clarify here that the many health benefits of exercise outweigh the risks of injury. Moderate aerobic exercise is also safe for a majority of people.

How is this all linked to Lipotrim?

Lipotrim is a Very Low Calorie Diet, using nutrient complete formula foods, specially formulated to deliver all the nutrition a person needs in the minimum number of calories. The body is essentially forced to act like a battery, delivering from its stored fat the energy required to power the body minute by minute, day by day. When this dietary method is used for the overweight and obese population, rapid comfortable weight loss occurs. Exercise is encouraged for the long term benefits to health it offers but will not drive the rate of weight loss further.
Lipotrim is therefore especially suitable for those patients unable to exercise to the levels where meaningful weight loss occurs, for example in the very obese, bedridden or wheelchair patients.

Tel    0800 413 735

Lipotrim from a pharmacy point of view

Lipotrim has a long track record delivering successful weight losses to pharmacy patients since the year 2000. Pharmacy is ideally placed to manage people who are overweight or obese, especially if also suffering from medical conditions such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

Pharmacists are highly trained heath-care professionals, experts in medications and are able to manage the complications existing medical conditions bring when losing weight.

Here are some of the comments made by pharmacies who are running the Lipotrim weight management service.

Paul Scott-Harris, Manager of Buxted Pharmacy, East Sussex.

Paul believes in a holistic approach to patient care and is firmly behind the benefits of Lipotrim for improved clinical outcomes.
Buxted Pharmacy
"We use Lipotrim as a medical tool to help our patients improve their health and gain positive outcomes such as a reduction in their medications. We recently had a patient who suffered from bad rheumatism in her hand and knees. Since losing three stone she has been able to reduce her anti-rheumatic medicines as well as her blood pressure medication."

Chris Mulimba, Pharmacist Superintendent of The Riverside Pharmacy, Sleaford

We currently (Nov 16) have a wonderful 75 year old lady who has lost 3st in two months. Another lady lost 4st in four months and is now on the Lipotrim Maintenance products. Recently we had a borderline diabetic who, after losing weight with Lipotrim, returned to his doctor and was judged healthy and no longer at risk of diabetes.
We are providing a community service and we enjoy it. Our first customer still pops in regularly for a weigh-in and a chat.

Sarah Douglas, Counter assistant at Kelly's Pharmacy, Aintree, Liverpool.

Kelly's Pharmacy, Aintree, Liverpool.We had a 19 year old man who was about to start teaching and wanted to make massive changes to avoid any difficulties at school with pupils teasing him. Over a 2 year period he went from 21 stone to 11 stone. He continued to come in for weigh-ins for a couple of years. He changed his life dramatically.
We are told we are friendly  and offer a great service. We let people continue to come for weekly weigh-ins for as long as they want. We get a lot of people going onto Lipotrim Maintenance products for short periods of time to keep their weight stable.

Andrew Boyle is the pharmacist at Shelf Pharmacy, Halifax 

We offer an alternative to a slimming club with a one to one personalised service. Customers appreciate the unhurried, weekly appointment that allows them to share their weight loss privately and to get individual advice and feedback. We empathise with them about the difficult moments and are never judgemental when they lapse.

Insync HealthcareRobert Cousins, Superintendent Pharmacist and manager at Insync Healthcare Pharmacy

We tend to get a lot of patients who are diabetic, have high blood pressure or are on medication like warfarin. In these instances we arrange for regular blood tests for them with the onsite nurse to ensure that their GP is kept up to date and can alter medication according to the results.
We have had lots of success stories with clients coming completely off their diabetic medicine or reducing from four blood pressure medicines down to one.
We have high patient satisfaction and this is probably because we run the programme on their terms so they enjoy coming in. Almost all our clients continue onto the Maintenance products. If they are finding it difficult and are in danger of giving up then we actively encourage them to move to the Maintenance product where they continue to lose weight. Our philosophy is to let people switch when they feel ready as we would rather they continued than gave up completely. We have one man who has been on Maintenance formulas for 18 months and continues to lose weight.

Want to know more about Lipotrim?

lipotrim pharmacy programme
If you are an individual wishing to learn more about how to lose weight successfully and healthily with the help of your pharmacy please call us on 0800 413 735. 
Alternatively please visit our website www.lipotrim.co.uk 

If you are from a pharmacy and would like more information on how you too can offer the Lipotrim Pharmacy weight management programme please email us at lipotrim@lipotrim.co.uk to request your Lipotrim information pack.

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